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AIIAS Publications

International Forum Journal (InFo Journal)

“The International Forum is an internationally double-blind peer-reviewed journal published electronically twice yearly by the Graduate School of the Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies (AIIAS). Its first issue was published in October 1998.The Journal deals with academic themes of interest to an interdisciplinary audience, for both national and international readership. The purpose of International Forum is to provide scholars and interested professionals with a forum for disseminating original research and theoretical discussions focusing primarily, but not solely, on the needs of the Asia-Pacific region.”

Journal of AllAS African Theological Association

The Journal of AllAS African Theological Association is an annual peer-reviewed and refereed International journal that seeks to publish quality biblical-theological papers, in the context of the African community of faith, including leadership, archaeology, historical theology, missiology and Church planting. However, the ideas expressed in the articles, dissertation abstracts, and book reviews are the entire responsibility of the authors and do not represent the thinking of the members of the African Association of the Philippines 

Journal of Asia Adventist Seminary (JAAS)

Journal of Asia Adventist Seminary (JAAS) is a peer-refereed scholarly Christian journal published by the Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies formerly titled Asia Adventist Seminary Studies. It is issued twice a year from Silang, Cavite. The journal was founded in 1999 and currently has a circulation of 200 copies. JAAS publishes research articles and brief notes on the following topics:   
  • Biblical archaeology and history of antiquity
  • Hebrew Bible
  • New Testament
  • Church history of all periods
  • Historical, biblical, and systematic theology
  • Ethics
  • History of religion and mission
  • Selected research articles on ministry and Christian education

Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, Lalaan I, Silang, Cavite 4118, Philippines
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